Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Us

            Our blog revolves around the topic of Women in the Media. Our blog was created to portray and spread awareness of how women are depicted as sexualized objects, existing solely for male desires. We recognize how the media plays a large role in this issue. By creating this blog we hope to assist in destroying sexist stereotypes associated with women. Bloggers are able to explore various ways in which women are depicted as sexual objects in the media. At the same time, bloggers are able to explore media that works against damaging stereotypes of women. Hopefully, this will help reinforce positive views of women, and continue to aid in the deconstruction of negative stereotypes of women. The main goal of our blog is to empower women in society and inform the public of the media’s role in negative portrayals of women.  
            Women’s portrayal in the media is a popular topic of discussion in modern society. Habermas believed that the quality of society directly depended on its ability to communicate, debate, and discuss. In order for our blog to be successful, our society must maintain the ability to constructively debate important issues such as women and the media. The Internet itself is a technological revolution that has allowed numerous social movements to collaborate on a global scale. Our blog provides individuals with a new platform for mass audience participation. Before the Internet, social movements were often limited in terms of content they could deliver to the public. They were also geographically restricted in terms of who was able to participate and collaborate. Western society and the Internet are dominated by white, English speaking, educated males. These individuals are continuing to objectify women in the media, continuously reproducing stereotypes. Therefore this demonstrates the importance of promoting women’s social movements through the online community. The presence of our blog assists in countering ideologies held by the males who dominate the Internet. Habermas also believes that the public sphere has become a platform for advertising and public relations, which creates news that attracts attention. The sexuality of women attracts both male and female attention. Males desire the female body in a sexual aspect, while females often aspire to be the sexual female presented to them in the media. Our blog demonstrates how the success of using women’s sexuality in the media is continuously repressing women and their efforts to stop replicating negative stereotypes. Our blog is also an attempt to shift the focus of the public sphere from information that attracts attention to information containing important content.
Individuals participate within our social network for the reason that they believe this is an important movement that deserves attention. Participation varies based on factors such as gender, age, and location. The gender of an individual has a large effect on their response. A recent blog post featured an article discussing women in politics and political campaigns and the media’s obsession with their fashion opposed to their personality and intelligence. The media does not obsess over fashion in the same way with men in politics and political campaigns. The responses of males and females were very different from one another. One female responded discussing that false stereotype that all women are related to fashion. A male also responded referring to this article as insignificant. He also states that no one cares about women in politics or their fashion choices. Women are able to relate more to this issue and can add a more personal response. The male response represents the individuals who continue to reproduce negative stereotypes regarding women. Age is another factor that has a large influence on individual’s responses. This is evident in a blog post discussing women as sex objects in the media and how their exploitation affects violence and unequal treatment towards women. One young female responded that she was more accepting of female sexuality in the media because these are images she has grown up with. She also discusses her parents and how older generations are still appalled by the large amount of female sexuality portrayed in the media. An older mother responded to the same post arguing that the increasing acceptance of women depicted as sex objects in the media is only holding back progress for women. She believes this leads to the continuous reproduction of negative stereotypes concerning women.  Different generations often have conflicting views on numerous issues. Public opinion has spread across international boundaries, creating a ‘transnational’ environment for numerous topics of discussion. We encourage participation from all members of the online global community to generate a broader range of ideas and opinions regarding women in the media. Responses from individuals participating in our blog reflect the different ideas and opinions. For instance, our Women in the Media social network featured a blog post featuring Carl’s Junior commercials that aired in television in the United States. Their commercials revolved around young female celebrities dressed in revealing clothing and acting sexual while eating a burger. One individual who is from Israel responded by comparing our Western culture that exploits women to their culture that has a deep respect for women and their bodies are considered sacred. Many individuals from the Unites States responded by discussing the genius of Carl’s Junior and other fast food company’s use of women’s sexuality to sell their products. This illustrates the differing levels of respect towards women in two different counties. Varying locations within the United States also affect the responses of individuals. One blogger from New York responded to the Carl’s Junior blog post by referring to the difference of women in the West coast versus the East coast. They referenced the fact that all of the women in these commercials are from the West cost, specifically Los Angeles. He believes the West coast is fake and focuses too much on sex, opposed to the East coast where he considers the girls to be classier.
Many of our blog posts focus on introducing various topics, ideas, or information in order to generate an online discussion. Our social network serves as an outlet for individuals to voice their opinions and articulate the issue. However, our social network also provides a way in which females can participate in their local communities opposed to only participating in the online environment. One blog post features information on popular workshops for female empowerment. The goal of this workshop is for women to make healthier decisions, create balanced relationships, be comfortable with their bodies, and to speak the truth. This workshop is promoting a positive view of women that is empowering and feminine, however not sexualized. Women can take this workshop in order to take further measures in reversing negative stereotypes against women. Participating in online discussion and debate is important; however participating with other individuals face to face is essential to combating this problem.
Our group made many observations regarding our social network. Using a blog as our platform to spread awareness and formulate discussion is dependent on finding and maintaining individuals to participate. We observed the difficulties that are involved with finding these individuals as well as getting them to interact within our blog. Initially the settings for our blog were set so only individuals with a Gmail account were able to participate. After realizing that this was keeping people from contributing to our blog, we changed the settings so anyone is able to respond and interact within our social network. We also observed the difficulties of marketing our blog and increasing traffic in terms of visitors and users. There are many blogs located online, many of which discuss the same topics. As a result, our group members made numerous attempts to find followers and individuals willing to participate. One method was finding individuals through a Facebook group that explained the topic and directed them to the blog. Another method involved e-mailing friends and family members requesting that they partake in our blog. We also posted the link to our blog on other social networking websites that deal with issues concerning women. We observed that contacting people we personally know via Facebook and e-mail was more successful in terms of recruiting individuals to participate. They seemed more willing to participate and to forward our blog to individuals they know due to the fact that we knew them personally.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This article depicts women who are running for political office and the fact that the media focuses on their materialistic features. They focus on the fact that women in the public eye must look put together, good fashioned, groomed, however never be spotted in the act of grooming. Kate Spade wedges have become a popular shoe that have come to represent "a circle of younger women aspiring to power or already in it, women directly and indirectly passing on to one another ways of navigating the particular challenges of being a woman in the public eye". Much attention is paid to what shoes these women are wearing opposed to their personality and capabilities for which position they are running. Some still believe this is progress from the past where women wore male inspired outfits. They appearance in the public eye has shifted to become more feminine. Women no longer have to appear in masculine outfits to be recognized. However at the same time, the media still hardly pays attention to what shoes men running for political office are wearing. Many of these women refuse to name their footwear and other favorite fashion brands to the media in order to keep the media's attention focused on more important, non-fashioned related issues.


Clearly sex sells.. and today sex sells everything including burgers!

Whoever thought burgers and bikinis were part of two different worlds, think again. Carl's Jr. advertising campaign has come to the conclusion that placing hot women in scantily clad bikinis while eating a burger sells. Here are three of their commercials that feature hotties Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and the newest one from reality star Audrina Pattinridge.

What is the point of these commercials and why do they even exist?! What is the world coming to?!

Normalizing Women

Philosopher Michel Foucault wrote of one of the major mechanisms in society—the categorization of people into “normal” and “abnormal.” Foucault's emphasis is particularly relevant in establishing notions of female sexuality in the media, and works to perpetuate misleading standards about women’s bodies

…Common Themes of Normalization Include:

  The body is pathological—it is diseased, sick, damaged, and in need of repair.
  The body is abnormal—certain bodies are considered in need of correction, such as overweight ones, non-white ones, and wrongly proportioned ones.
  Certain bodies are normal—proportions, size, placements, and the like are deemed by society to be the models that all should replicate, follow, and mimic.
  The body is your enemy—people are told that their bodies are out of control and in need of punishment; the body is something that is to be feared and worked on.
  Technologies of correction are available—society provides people the appropriate means to correct their bodies, including cosmetics, surgery, dieting technologies, makeup, fashion, etc.
  Before and after—people are told "success" stories of how a person went from a wrong body to right one; these stories are used to motivate people to act on their ‘abnormal’ bodies as the case with Heidi Montag.

…If women can join together to work against these deceptive and seemingly inherent notions, we can work together to deconstruct the misleading conceptions regarding the female body.   

"Sex and the City" and the Empowerment of Women

It's obvious that our society is highly sexualized and women are depicted more often than not as sexual objects. Women are continuously shown in the media in sexualized positions and half-naked, or sometimes fully in their birthday suits. The television show "Sex and the City," which later became a movie, is a great example of how women have contested the naturalized stereotype of them being portrayed as sexualized objects. The television show does promote sex, but at the same time it contests the sexual stereotype of women by having the four main women characters in powerful positions in society with high paying jobs. The four women are hard working, dedicated, independent women who don't need a man to support them. This television show and movie promotes the empowerment of women in society and shows women partaking in a more active role in society. As much as the media does portray women as easy on the eye, passive and sexualized, there is media out there that is promoting the empowerment of women and contesting the sexism and "Sex and the City" is one of them.

Degradation of Women in the Media

This YouTube video features images of women that represent how they are sexualized in the media.

What men really think about us women

Here lies the problem....

This male perspective regarding the female brain has only worked to perpetuate women being depicted as sexual objects for male's desire, rather than being considered intellectual equals.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

Celebrities like Heidi Montage only work to perpetuate the notion of women as sex objects.

By the time she turned 21 in September 2007, MTV reality star Heidi Montag had already had a nose job, collagen lip injections, and implants that turned her A-cups into cantaloupe-round 32-Cs. In the years since, she's mulled over what to have done next, saving photos of stars like Angelina Jolie and consulting her surgeon more than 20 times. In this week's People, she describes her behavior as "absolutely obsessed." Which led her to the operating room once again, on Nov. 20, for a total of 10 procedures in one sitting.

The problem it creates is that young girls see this as normal (at Least in Hollywood.)
We've grown up on pop culture that screams that everything is a candidate for improvement. We've watched bodies transformed on Extreme Makeover; faces taken apart and pieced back together on I Want a Famous Face. We dissect Demi Moore's Photoshopped body on the cover of W magazine and wonder how the 47-year-old mother, even before the airbrushing, could possibly look so good. Meanwhile, statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that cosmetic-surgery procedures performed on those 18 and younger have nearly doubled over the past decade, while nearly 14 percent of Botox injections are given to those in the 19-to-34 age group, like Heidi. "I think it's a very interesting time for girls, in that what we all grew up believing—that you have to play the hand you're dealt—is no longer true," screenwriter and director Nora Ephron recently told NEWSWEEK. "In some sense, you really can go out and buy yourself a better face and a different body."

Women as Sex Objects

Global understand of the problems with pornography sets a clear agenda for agents of change working for a free gender society. Analysts found profound levels in which pornography works to attacks the social fabric of society, even outside the realms of sexuality. The indication is that the mere presence of pornographic materials in the workplace allows males to force females out of the industry. A further analysis of different types of pornography and negative depictions of women may surprise some individuals who believe that only extremely violent and sexual depictions of women, such as Hustler type magazines, cause an increase of violence against women. In fact their study indicates that exposure to media depicting women in degrading and subordinate situations, even if not explicitly sexual or violent in nature, will lead to increased violent behavior of men against women in society.

...the following ads share one thing in common- it views women as base, without any meaning other than a sexual one. Consider just on ad, and the focus on the dehumanization related to the imagery and context of the ad. Would anyone want her or his daughter or son represented as the women in these ads? If you can answer no to this question, consider joining the fight against sexism in popular culture.

World's 100 Most Powerful Women

As many of you may know, Forbes loves to do lists of the world's billionaires, leading companies in America, most influential people, most powerful people, etc. But one that is striking is a Forbes list done on  the World's 100 Most Powerful Women. The list is composed of not necessarily the most famous or most wealthy women in the world, but instead they are the ones that are most influential. These women that make up this Forbes list include Presidents, Chancellors, Chief Executives of major companies, etc. These women run countries, companies, and organizations and our world would be very different without them. The women who hold's the number one spot is the German Chancellor Angela Merkel who is the leader of the worlds fourth-largest economy, and has held this number one spot for four years! Imagine that. 

In the past, women hardly got any recognition, and were hardly involved in huge corporations and running countries. But today women are strikingly becoming quite powerful, and they are finally getting the recognition they deserve.

Women bringing home the bacon

In today's article on Psychology Today, Samantha Smithstein looks at the changing dynamics of male and female roles within American households. She analyzes how females are starting to make more than some of their male counterparts. She also writes about how women are climbing up the socio-economic ladder in today's society. It's interesting to see her analysis of these recent changes! Go women!

Local San Diego Workshops for Female Empowerment

Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen offers local workshops where students will learn to:
-Make healthier decisions
-Create balanced relationships
-Be comfortable with their bodies
-Speak their truth

Some good lectures to attend:

Why Good Girls Don't...and Do. Girls and young women receive many conflicting messages: Be a good girl. Boys will only like you if you put out. Show off your body to get attention and worth. Don't be a slut. It can be difficult for young women to negotiate what they do and don't want, and to be able to voice that in a healthy way. This interactive lecture delves into the power that young women have and how they can make choices that honor their bodies, health, feelings, and future.

Love My Body – How Do I Do That? We hear the message “Love Your Body,” but what does that really mean and how can we do that? This interactive lecture explores media depictions of bodies and the consumer culture around that, as well as gender socialization, components of body-image, what we can do to support each other, and skills to build a strong foundation for self-love physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. The focus here is on women’s bodies, but the messages and skills are relevant to all.

Female Sexual Empowerment for the 21st Century. Is a young woman in Girls Gone Wild sexually liberated? Or is she following gendered scripts of what it means to be valuable as a woman? Young women are socialized with many conflicting messages about what it means to be a woman, in a relationship, sexually active, and empowered. This interactive lecture digs at the many layers of awareness and worth women have, and how to tap into that in loving and empowering ways.